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About DICA

Defence Information Communication Association


Welcome to Defence Information and Communication Association


We sincerely welcome you to visit the website of the DICA

Our association is a not-for-profit corporation established to contribute to the increase of military power by improving the efficiency of defence resource management and improving the performance of weapons system by combining latest information and communication technology (ICT) with defense policy.

In order to meet the purpose of the establishment, the association shall carry out the bridging role between the military and the mountain / school / ward to introduce the latest technologies and trends needed to improve the defence force to the military, , And as a Think Tank in the field of defense information and communications, we are focusing on researching and advising on defense policy and R & D tasks.

In the future, the association will establish a cooperation system that encompasses the Ministry of National Defence and related organizations, leading domestic private and university research institutes, and partners with superior technology, and is committed to fostering defence information and communication Thank you for your support.

Thank you.​

President of the DICA



2010.5           Approval of establishment of Defense Information Communication Association(from MND)

                        Assume the first president(Lee, ChangHee, formal Chief of signal branch)

2011.6           Registration of non-profir organization(Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs)

2012.4           Exchange activity with AFCEA, hosting seminar

2012.11         Assume the second president(Kim, TaeYoung, formal Minister of National Defense)

2012.12         Hosting Defense Information Communication Workshop

2013.11         Hosting Cyber Security Conference

2016.12         Assume 4th president(Kim, JaeMin, formal MND CIO)

2016.12         Hosting MND Information communication conference

2017.3           Hosting Cyber new technologies conference

2017.4           Cohosting ROK-US combined Tech-net Korea conference

2017.5           Introduction of optimized technologies for network seperation of defense industries

2017.7           Hosting seminar on application of big data to defense area

2017.8           Research of information spill prevention system

2017.11         Hosting seminar on defense ICT improvement, driving 4th industrial revolution

2017.11         Hosting seminar on C2 system and cyber operation conducting system improvement




The name of this association is called "Defence Information Communication Association",

The nickname is "DICA".

​Our internet address is ""

About DICA
Organization of Association
Name & Logo

About DICA


Contributing force improvement and resource management efficiency enhancement

by applying cutting edge communication and cyber technologies to defense area

through coorperation and strengthening relations among industries, universities,

research institutes and relevant organizations


  • bridge role among military, industries, universities and research institutes

1. Exchange of defense information system construction polity, issues and operation concepts

2. Suggestion of communication and IT capabilities required in military

3. Introduction of defense acquisition process

4. Introduction of new emerging ICT and systems(devices) by industries

5. Seminars on cutting edge technologies and trends

1. Research on relevant policies and recommendations

2. Research of individual project and implementation concepts

  • Think Tank of defense communication and IT

  • Information acquirement and dissemination, collaboration exchange with relevant organizations

1. Being officeal place of establishing human, technological, political networks

   of defense information communication area

2. Introduction of foreign military digitation policy(eg. US armed forces), cases,

   window for international coorporation


  • Information exchange among military, industries, universities, research institutes

1. Hosting conferences, seminars on defense information communication area

2. Hosting member companies forum for introducing defense policy(twice a year)

3. Publicrelations of member companies' technologies and systems, consulting

4. Publication of "Defense Information Communication Development", journal of DICA

1. Participating AFCEA conference

2. Cohosting ROK-US Tech-Net Korea

3. Common effort for enhancing ROK-US combined interoperability

4. ROK-Egypt Information communication technologies exchange coorperation

  • Exchange activities with foreign countries(forum)

  • Research

Policies, infrastructure, C4I, Cyber and defense application of new technologies



Bus : Samgakji Station, Noksapyeong Station

Subway : Line 4/Line 6 Samgakji Station

​Drive : Navigation Address - 29, Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (The War Memorial)

우)04353 서울특별시 용산구 이태원로29 전쟁기념관 421호  Tel : 02-748-7244  Fax : 02-792-7244

(#421, 29,Itaewon-ro,Yongsan-gu,Seoul The War Memorial of Korea 04353)

개인정보수집 및 위탁에 관한 정보 안내 Copyright©2011 by DICA / 사단법인 국방정보통신협회

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